Past Life Regression



Past Life Regression Therapy is a form of therapeutic intervention that aims to explore and potentially heal unresolved issues, traumas, or patterns believed to originate from past lives. 90 minutes

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Past Life Regression Therapy is a therapeutic approach that delves into the depths of the subconscious mind to uncover memories, emotions, and experiences from previous lifetimes. Rooted in the belief in reincarnation and the continuity of the soul’s journey across multiple lifetimes, this form of therapy offers a unique opportunity for self-exploration, healing, and spiritual growth.
How Past Life Regression Therapy Works:
Preparation and Relaxation: The therapy session begins with the therapist guiding the client into a state of deep relaxation through relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery.
Induction and Hypnosis: Once the client is in a relaxed state, the therapist facilitates a hypnotic induction to deepen the trance-like state and access the subconscious mind. This allows the client to access memories and experiences from past lives.
Exploration of Past Lives: With the client in a hypnotic state, the therapist guides them through a series of visualization exercises designed to evoke memories or imagery related to past lives. The client may experience vivid sensations, emotions, or insights associated with these past life experiences.
Identification of Themes and Patterns: Through the exploration of past lives, the therapist helps the client identify recurring themes, patterns, or unresolved issues that may be influencing their present life circumstances, relationships, or behaviors.
Healing and Resolution: Once past life memories or experiences have been accessed, the therapist facilitates a process of healing and resolution, helping the client release any emotional or energetic blockages associated with past life traumas or unresolved issues. This may involve forgiveness, reconciliation, or letting go of negative beliefs or attachments carried over from past lives.
Integration and Reflection: Following the regression session, the therapist and client engage in reflection and integration exercises to process the insights gained from the experience. This may involve journaling, creative expression, or discussion of the session’s significance and implications for the client’s present life.
Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy:
Insight and Self-Understanding: Provides insight into one’s soul journey, life purpose, and karmic lessons.
Healing: Offers the opportunity to heal unresolved traumas, fears, or patterns carried over from past lives.
Personal Growth: Facilitates personal growth, self-awareness, and spiritual evolution.
Release of Emotional Blockages: Helps release emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, and negative patterns that may be hindering personal or spiritual development.
Integration: Promotes the integration of past life insights into one’s present life, fostering greater alignment, authenticity, and empowerment.

Past Life Regression


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