Mindset Therapy

(2 customer reviews)



1 Hour session of Mindset Therapy

SKU: mindset-therapy Category:


What is a mindset therapy?
Mindset therapy helps you look at your overall thinking patterns and change them in order to achieve a particular goal. For example if you “think” you are bad at something you will be bad at it. Negative thinking brings negative results. 
The Benefits
Mindset therapy helps you decrease negative thinking patterns that are getting in the way of your success. The benefits of seeking mindset therapy are: 
* Gives you someone to talk to
* Helps you process your feelings 
* Helps you look at your negative thinking patterns and make changes
* Start seeing changes in yourself and your situation in a short time
* Affordable, convenient, and effective. 

2 reviews for Mindset Therapy

  1. Joseph

    Working on my mindset has helped me start a business and quit my job!

  2. Tricia

    Latasha is fantastic! I felt comfortable talking to her about what was going on with me. She was kind and non-judgmental! I look at where I was on the first visit to where I am now (3 months later) and I am so glad I made the choice to change. Things are much better. I have a new job, a better living situation, my relationships are changing for the better and I have more energy!

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