Reiki means universal life force energy. This form of healing has been used in Japan and around the world for many years. Using energy to heal is natural and beneficial to every living thing.
Energy flows at all times. Distance does not stop its flow; therefore, you can get the same results in person or online. Think about when you love a person, distance does not stop that flow of energy you feel. Many people will feel a tingling sensation, a warming inside the body, and or a vibration during online sessions. As a practitioner I have not noticed any difference online or in person.
Reiki has been used for a number of things. It has been used for restful sleep, circulation, moods, increasing energy, relaxation and many more issues. We offer 30-, 60- or 90-minute sessions online. If you would like to learn more about how Reiki can help you in your situation, please schedule a free online consultation.
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